Alumni-Student Initiatives

Alumni-Student Initiatives | Alumni Relations IIT Delhi

Dear IIT Delhi Alumnus,

Alumni have always been the intrinsic strength at IIT Delhi and a have played an active role in driving a number of high impact initiatives for the Institute. The institute recognizes and immensely values your passion and commitment towards the betterment of the Institute & Students.

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Kindly fill in the details below

Full Name (As in IIT-Delhi Records)
Email ID
Your Phone/WhatsApp Numbers
(including country code separated by a "-" from the main number) - Include multiple ones separated by ","
Your Department at IIT Delhi
Year Of Graduation*
Your Hostel (As a student at IIT Delhi)
Degree or Type of Program(s) Enrolled in at IIT Delhi (Select Multiple, if applicable)
Current Country of Residence (Domicile)*
Your Linkedin Profile URL (Optional)
Your Current City of Residence (Domicile)
For Which Of The Following Institute related Volunteering Avenues, You wish to submit your 'Expression Of Interest' (EOI)
In case of specialized support or initiative, or to detail how you would like to support any initiative, please give a description here
If a suitable opportunity to Volunteer comes up, how much time would you need to prepare and participate?
30-60 Days
15-30 Days
7-15 Days
Within a Week
You can also consider Giving back to the Institute/ Staff Or Faculty in 'Kind' with Gifts & Grants. Please select if you would like to consider any of the below options
As an alumnus of IIT Delhi, Rate the Emotional Attributes that you feel on a 5 point scale (Rate them on the basis of how important they are to you individually)*
Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Care for Fraternity
Care for Institution
Moral Responsibility (Towards IIT Delhi)
In case you have Expressed Your Interest to volunteer with your time, For how many hours during active month(s) would you be willing to Volunteer for?
< 5 Hours
5-8 Hours
9-12 Hours
12-24 Hours
24-48 Hours
48-80 Hours
80+ Hours
Open, Depending on the initiative
Open Comments/ Feedback: Please share any additional feedbacks - How else do you think we can make it great?