New Infrastructure - Academic & Student Residential Projects

Project Name: NEW GIRLS HOSTEL 50B

Kindly fill the DONOR INFORMATION below

Naming Options: LEGACY BOARD (PROMINENT AREA) Price: 1,00,00,000
Full Name (As in IIT Delhi Records) *
Entry Number (As in IIT Delhi Records) *
Pledge Tenure

*It is mandatory to verify your email address. Please use the 'Generate OTP' button to proceed with the verification process.

Your Phone/WhatsApp Numbers *
(including country code separated by a "-" from the main number) - Include multiple ones separated by ","
Your Hostel (As a student at IIT Delhi) *
PAN Card Number (For Indian Citizens)
Start date of the Pledge *
Center/Dept/School *
Graduating Year*
Donor's City & Country*
Our Team will contact you to discuss the options detaiks for the hostel naming for your contributions.
ROOM NO. MZ-122, HAUZ KHAS,New Delhi, 110016,India
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