Give Back In Kind

Give Back In Kind - Volunteering Form

Dear IIT Delhi Alumnus,

Alumni have always been the intrinsic strength at IIT Delhi and a have played an active role in driving a number of high impact initiatives for the Institute. The institute recognizes and immensely values your passion and commitment towards the betterment of the Institute & Students.

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Kindly fill in the details below

Full Name (As in IIT-Delhi Records)
Email ID
Your Phone/WhatsApp Numbers
(including country code separated by a "-" from the main number) - Include multiple ones separated by ","
Your Department at IIT Delhi
Your Hostel (As a student at IIT Delhi)
Degree or Type of Program(s) Enrolled in at IIT Delhi (Select Multiple, if applicable)
Current Country of Residence (Domicile)*
Your Linkedin Profile URL (Optional)
Your Current City of Residence (Domicile)
You can also consider Giving back to the Institute/ Staff Or Faculty in 'Kind' with Gifts & Grants. Please select if you would like to consider any of the below options
If a suitable 'Giving Back in Kind' opportunity comes up, how much time would you need to donate?
30-60 Days
15-30 Days
7-15 Days
Within a Week
As an alumnus of IIT Delhi, Rate the Emotional Attributes that you feel on a 5 point scale (Rate them on the basis of how important they are to you individually)*
Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
Care for Fraternity
Care for Institution
Moral Responsibility (Towards IIT Delhi)
Open Comments/ Feedback: Please share any additional feedbacks - How else do you think we can make it great?
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