Dipak Sen Gupta Memorial Award

October 22, 2021

Award ID: CORPSS443

Donor Name
Mr. Suvojoy Sengupta

Eligibility Criterion
One 2nd year student of BTech in Mechanical Engineering Deptt. and admitted through JEE Advanced and family income not exceeding Rs 6 lakh per annum

Selection Criterion

Amount and number
Rs. 45,000/-

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Dipak Sen Gupta Memorial Award CORP/SS443 2020ME10928 Deepak Kumawat 2020-21
Dipak Sen Gupta Memorial Award CORP/SS443 2018ME20865 Aniket Kumar Mishra 2019-20
Dipak Sen gupta Memorial Award CORP/SS443 2018ME10627 Nachiketa Kumar 2018-19
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