Shri S. V. Indulkar Cash Award

October 22, 2021

Award ID: CORPSW038

Donor Name
Prof. C.S. Indulkar

Eligibility Criterion
To be given to the best B.Tech. Project in the area of Power Apparatus and System B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. Department . The awardee is expected to maintain, besides overall satisfactory academic progress, good conduct, behavior and discipline in the Elecrical Engineering Department and in the Institute

Selection Criterion
Best Project

Amount and number
Rs. 25,000/-

How to Apply

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
S V Indulkar Award CORP/SW038 2015EE30507 Aishwarya Srivastava 2018-19
S V Indulkar Award CORP/SW038 2013EE30552 Balram Jat 2016-17
S V Indulkar Award CORP/SW038 2013EE30553 Deepak Kumar Gupta 2016-17
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