Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship

July 1, 2007

Scholarship Code: SCHOI292/CORPSW013

Donor’s Name
Mr. Rahul Kumar Chibber, Mrs. Muktesh Chibber

Eligibility Criteria
2nd year UG student in Chemical Engineering with CGPA of 7.0 and not receiving any other scholarship.

Selection Criteria
Family income

Continuation Criteria and duration
CGPA of 7.0

Scholarship Amount and number
Rs 25,000 pa

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2019CH70184 Ojas Srivastava (Renewal) 2021-22
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2018CH10076 Chirag Maheshwari (Renewal) 2021-22
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2018CH10076 Chirag Maheshwari (Renewal) 2020-21
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2019CH70184 Ojas Srivastava 2020-21
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2018CH10076 Chirag Maheshwari 2019-20
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2015CH10100 Harneet Singh (Renewal) 2018-19
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2015CH10100 Harneet Singh (Renewal) 2017-18
Amritraj Chibber Family Scholarship CORP/SW013 2015CH10100 Harneet Singh 2016-17
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