Bhatia Scholarship

July 1, 1999

Scholarship Code: CORPSS099

Donor’s Name
Dr. Veena B Mendiratta

Eligibility Criteria
1st yr UG students with annual income less than 8L

Selection Criteria
JEE rank

Continuation Criteria and duration
CGPA of 8

Scholarship Amount and number
Rs. 30,000/- per annum

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Bhatia Scholarship CORP/SS099 2019CS10380 Parth Gupta (Renewal) 2021-22
Bhatia Scholarship CORP/SS099 2019CS10380 Parth Gupta (Renewal) 2020-21
Bhatia Scholarship CORP/SS099 2019CS10380 Parth Gupta 2019-20
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