Ramboll Subvention Program Scholarship

July 1, 2018

Scholarship Code : CORPSS500

Donor’s Name
Ramboll India Pvt Ltd

Eligibility Criteria
1st year UG students of CE, EE or ME depts with annual income less than 9L and required to pay full tuition fee. At least 80% in 12th Board.

Selection Criteria
JEE rank

Continuation Criteria and duration
merit criterion of MCM, no semester withdrawal.

Scholarship Amount and number
Rs. 65000, two schoalrships – one for male and one for female student.

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Ramboll Subvention Program Scholarship CORP/SS500 2018ME10617 Khushi Jain (Renewal) 2020-21
Ramboll Subvention Program Scholarship CORP/SS500 2018ME10617 Khushi Jain 2019-20
Ramboll Subvention Program Scholarship CORP/SS500 2018ME10617 Khushi Jain 2018-19
Ramboll Subvention Program Scholarship CORP/SS500 2018ME20691 Kuldeep Singh 2018-19
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