IIT Delhi alumnus Mr Sanjay Pillay, who received a B. Tech degree in Electrical Engineering in1991, has endowed the “Pillay Chair Professor” in the Department of Electrical Engineering. This chair will enhance the Institute’s strengths to promote excellence and leadership in teaching, research, and development in Machine Learning, VLSI Design and Sensors in the Electrical Engineering Department.
Mr Pillay wanted to contribute the chair to the electrical engineering department as IITD is a very special place for Mr. Pillay. His parents, brother and sister are also alumni of IITD. His wife and children are enthusiastic supporters of this opportunity to give back to the institution that holds great significance to him. Sanjay wishes to dedicate this chair to his loving and remarkable family.
Sanjay is an experienced entrepreneur, innovator, technology leader. He specializes in functional safety and EDA tool development, audio, video, data compression, design analysis and fault coverage algorithms, SOC, DSP and Processor architectures and design, Low power (active and standby) implementations.
Sanjay Pillay founded Austemper Design Systems in 2015 which was acquired by Siemens AG. The company’s software includes analysis, auto-correction and simulation technology. This technology allows customers to test and harden IC designs for functional safety in applications such as automotive, industrial and aerospace systems where functional safety and high reliability are mandatory for compliance to safety standards like ISO 26262.
IIT Delhi continues to draw a significant and growing interest by its alumni on contributing towards research advancement at the Institute in technological and social fields. Chairs endowed by alumni, philanthropic and corporate donations support the eminent Institute’s ability to attract and retain high-quality academic talent. We would also sincerely express gratitude towards those alumni and well-wishers who have contributed extensively through their philanthropy. Their support and contributions have touched and enriched many lives.