Distinguished Alumni Awards

Mr Hari S Bhartia

Mr Hari S Bhartia

Award Year: 2000 | Degree Year: 1979

Shri Hari S. Bhartia was born on December 12, 1956, at Calcutta. He received his B.Tech. degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 1979 and started his career in business with his family. He has had a key role, in each phase, from conceptualization to successful running of several Vam Bhartia Companies which he has promoted and owns along with his brother. This includes the flagship Vam Organic Chemicals Ltd. of which he is the Co-Chairman & Managing Director. Shri Bhartia has also provided leading thrust for the Group’s foray into contemporary and futuristic businesses including Chemicals, Food Services, and Information Technology. He has geared his group into an internationalizing mode by achieving strategic alliances and affiliations with some of the leading corporate business houses of the world in the area of Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Trade, Financial Services, Project Engineering, Construction, etc. Within a short span of 4 years, Shri Bhartia has established Dominos Pizza India Ltd. as the largest fast-food chain in the country. Having steered these businesses through their development, he remains at the helm of their successful running. Through his sustained efforts, Vam Bhartia Group presently has an annual turnover of more than Rs. 1000 crores. 

Other than the Corporate Sector, he is also credited with actively contributing to a wider environment, particularly through initiatives and personal work dedicated to the institutionalization of key developmental processes. He is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and is leading its thrust into more relevant and progressive relationships with the worlds of Business and Government. He has also contributed actively through deep involvement and leadership roles in the Young Presidents Organization Inc. (YPO), a ‘non-profit’ organization of more than 8000 Presidents and Chief Executive Officers worldwide. He has been Area Vice President (on the Board) as well as Chairman of several roles in its Delhi Chapter.

Shri Bhartia has been Chairman of the Expert Group to Develop Policy initiatives for Technicians’ Education through the National Project Implementation Unit, a World Bank assisted project (1998) and Chairman, National Committee on Technical Education & Training for the year 1998-99 of Confederation of Indian Industry. He has been a member of the National Technology Council of CM in 1998. He has also been a Chairman, National Committee on Chemicals and Petrochemicals for the year 1999-2000 and Dy. Chairman, Confederation of Indian Industry, Northern Region for the year 2000-2001. 

In honoring Shri Hari S. Bhartia, we recognize the conspicuous contributions made by him as an outstanding Corporate Leader who has earned recognition in the international community, and through achievements brought glory to the name of this Institute. 

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