Distinguished Alumni Awards

Prof. Chandra S. Vikram

Prof. Chandra S. Vikram

Award Year: 2002 | Degree Year: 1973

Prof. Chandra S. Vikram was born on October 31, 1950 at Prayagpur, U.P. After completing M.Sc. (Physics) in 1968 from IIT Kanpur, he received M.Tech. (Applied Optics) in 1970 and Ph.D. (Physics) in 1973, both from IIT Delhi. His research papers on holographic vibration analysis, published while he was still a student at IIT Delhi, were well received by researchers from around the world. After a brief post-doctoral assignment with IIT Delhi, Prof. Vikram joined Pennsylvania State University in 1977, where over the next decade, he made significant contributions to ultra-low thermal expansion measurements, laser speckle metrology, particle field holography, non-destructive testing of biological objects, and water tunnel instrumentation. These contributions, documented in the form of published papers, have been acclaimed by researchers throughout the world. In 1989 Prof. Vikram joined University of Alabama in Huntsville as Senior Research Scientist and in 1993 became Research Professor of Optical Science and Engineering. During his current tenure he discovered critical limiting needs of two-color holography for heat and mass transfer studies. He also pioneered the use of Spacelab-III reconstructed wavefronts for multiple unconventional applications. In a parallel development, he established a new method of residual stress measurement by laser heating and speckle correlation interferometry. In addition to advanced academic research, Prof. Vikram is also known for solving contemporary industrial problems. One of his algorithms has recently been adopted in PhaseCam, a commercial interferometric system that is faster and less noisy. 

Prof. Vikram has authored the book Particle Field Holography published by Cambridge University Press, and has edited SPIE Milestone Series on Selected Papers on Holographic Particle Diagnostics . He has also contributed six book chapters and authored or co- authored more than 140 research papers. 

Prof. Vikram has received a Certificate of Recognition from NASA for his work done under its Advanced Technology Programme. He was also awarded the Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement Award by the University of Alabama in Huntsville Foundation. He is a Fellow of Optical Society of America and of International Society for Optical Engineering. He is also a Life Member of the Optical Society of India. 

In honouring Prof. Vikram, we recognise the outstanding contributions made by him as a scientist. Through his achievement, Prof. Vikram has brought glory to the name of this Institute.

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