Distinguished Alumni Awards

Prof. Devang Khakhar

Prof. Devang Khakhar

Award Year: 2008 | Degree Year: 1981

Prof. Devang Khakhar received his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1981. He subsequently received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1986. 

Prof. Khakhar is presently Professor of Chemical Engineering and Dean of Faculty at IIT Bombay. 

After spending one semester at IIT Kanpur as a Visiting Faculty Member, Prof. Khakhar joined IIT Bombay in January 1987 as a Lecturer. He became a Professor at IIT Bombay in 1996. He was also a Visiting Faculty Member at Northwestern University in 1996. Prof. Khakhar served as the Head of Chemical Engineering from 2002 to 2004 and became Dean of Faculty in 2005. 

Prof. Khakhar has made pioneering research contributions in a number of areas of Chemical Engineering including polymers, granular mechanics and mixing. The work has been published in top international journals such as Nature and Science. 

Some of the work has had a direct impact on industrial practice. Prof. Khakhar teaches courses related to fluid mechanics, granular mechanics and polymers. 

Prof. Khakhar has received several awards and recognitions for his work. He is a Fellow of the Indian Academic of Science, Bangalore, the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and the Indian National Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, the Swarnajayanti Fellowship and the Excellence in Teaching Award of IIT Bombay. 

Prof. Khakhar is currently a member of the governing council of the Indian National Academy of Engineering and a member of the Science and Engineering Research Council of the Department of Science and Technology, India. 

In honouring Prof. Devang Khakhar, IIT Delhi recognizes the outstanding contributions made by him as a Researcher, Scientist and Educator. Through his achievements, Prof. Devang Khakhar has brought glory to the name of the Institute. 

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