Distinguished Alumni Awards

Dr. Anant Jhingran

Dr. Anant Jhingran

Award Year: 2011 | Degree Year: 1985

Dr. Anant Jhingran received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1985 where he was the recipient of the President of India’s Gold Medal. He subsequently received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1990.

Dr. Jhingran is currently an IBM Fellow, Vice President, and Chief-Technical-Officer (CTO) for Information Management, which is a large part of IBM’s $22B/yr Software Group. He is also the Co-Chair of IBM wide Cloud Computing Architecture Board.

Since his Ph.D., Dr. Jhingran has had a meteoric career at IBM Corporation with numerous recognitions in research and technology leadership. The designation of IBM Fellow is IBM’s highest technical honor. Fellows are selected for sustained and distinguished technical achievements in engineering, programming, and technology. Dr. Jhingran has been recognized for establishing IBM’s data warehousing technology and business and other critical businesses such as search, e-commerce, and Big Data.

In recognition of his contributions, Dr. Jhingran is frequently called upon to present in IBM and industry/ academic conferences. He has keynoted at several academic conferences, such as Conference on Very Large Data Bases and the World Wide Web Conference, as well as in leading industry conferences such as the Hadoop Summit. He has participated in over ten conferences on cloud and information management in 2011 alone. His research and innovation results are reflected in an impressive count of over 25 academic papers and 10 patents, ranging in all areas of information management and e-commerce. In addition, knowing fully well that ideas can get disseminated in various ways, he has established a well-respected blog, http:// jhingran.typepad.com, where his views on Information Management, Cloud, and other important IT topics have an excellent following.

Dr. Jhingran has received IBM Fellow, IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM Academy of Technology, several Outstanding Achievement and Innovation Awards, an IBM Corporate Award. Dr. Jhingran is the world technology leader in the field of information management with a highly demonstrated impact on industrial practice and future technology and business directions. His achievements are well recognized by his peers, and by senior management at IBM.

In honoring Dr. Anant Jhingran, IIT Delhi recognizes the outstanding contributions made by him as a Corporate Leader and Researcher. Through his achievements, Dr. Anant Jhingran has brought glory to the name of the Institute.

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