Distinguished Alumni Awards

Prof. Varun Grover

Prof. Varun Grover

Award Year: 2013 | Degree Year: 1982

Prof. Varun Grover received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1982. He subsequently received his MBA from SIUC and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. Prof. Grover is the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Clemson University and is currently working in the areas of IT value, digital strategy and process transformation.

Prof. Grover has published extensively in the information systems field, with over 200 publications in refereed journals. In recent articles, he has been ranked as amongst the most productive (among over 7000) and the most influential researchers in the world in the area of Information Systems. He is Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly Executive and Senior Editor (Emeritus) for MIS Quarterly, the Journal of the AIS, and Database and serves as Associate or Advisory Editor for numerous other top journals. He has served as Editor of numerous Special Issues of JMIS, MISQ, Decision Sciences, and Database.He also recently released his third book, which focused on business process change.

Prof. Grover has had the privilege of chairing over 35 doctoral dissertations, and is actively involved with doctoral students. At USC and Clemson he has won numerous outstanding teaching awards including the Alfred G. Smith Award twice for excellence in teaching, and he is a 7 time recipient of the Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence based on “exceptional achievement in research and teaching” In 2012, he received the University’s most prestigious Alumni Award for Outstanding Research. Recently, he received a Lifetime Service Recognition from the Association for Information Systems for his numerous professional roles. Anbar Intelligence has recognized seven of his articles as having the “highest” (5-star) quality in rigor and relevance and he received recognition for Price Waterhouse Coopers “Outsourcing World Achievement Award” for “making a difference in industry for significant contributions to advancing the theory and practice of outsourcing.”

He is currently listed in Who’s Who of International Professionals, Who’s Who in Information Technology, Harvard’s International Directory of Scholars, and is a member of AIS, INFORMS, DSI, AoM, and ACM. He is widely solicited as a keynote speaker and is one of 50 Fellows of the Association for Information Systems.

In honouring Prof. Varun Grover, IIT Delhi recognizes the outstanding contributions made by him as a Researcher and Educator. Through his achievements, Prof. Varun Grover has brought glory to the name of the Institute.


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