Distinguished Alumni Awards

Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal

Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal

Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of his outstanding achievements in Teaching and Research

Award Year: 2022 | Degree Year: 1996,1999

Avinash Kumar Agarwal obtained his M.Tech. (Energy, 1996) and Ph.D. (Energy, 1999) from IIT Delhi. He is currently an SBI Endowed Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Kanpur. Prof. Agarwal is interested in IC engines, combustion, and fuel research. He has developed several engine technologies such as laser-fired hydrogen and CNG engines, electronic fuel injection locomotive engines, methanol-fueled vehicles, etc. He has published 500+ peer-reviewed international journal and conference papers and 70 edited books, having 14350+ Scopus and 21500+ Google Scholar citations. Prof. Agarwal is the Editor of ‘FUEL’ and several other journals. 

Prof. Agarwal is a recipient of Sir J C Bose National Fellowship (2019) by SERB, Clarivate Analytics India Citation Award-2017, Prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (2016), Rajib Goyal Prize (2015); NASI-Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Award (2012); INAE Silver Jubilee Young Engineer Award (2012); Dr. C. V. Raman Young Teachers Award (2011); SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award (2008); INSA Young Scientist Award (2007); UICT Young Scientist Award (2007); INAE Young Engineer Award (2005); Devendra Shukla Research Fellowship (2009-12), Poonam and Prabhu Goyal Endowed Chair Professorship (2013-16), SBI Endowed Chair Professorship (2018-21) at IIT Kanpur. He was recently conferred the inaugural version of the Distinguished Alumni Award-2021 by MNIT Jaipur.

Prof. Agarwal is an elected Fellow of SAE (2012), ASME (2013), INAE (2015), ISEES (2016), RSC (2018), NASI (2018), WSSET (2020), AAAS (2020) and Combustion Institute (CI; 2022). He is featured in DST Golden Jubillee Coffee Table Book “75 under 50 Scientists Shaping Today’s INDIA,”. At IIT Kanpur, he founded a state-of-the-art “Engine Research Laboratory” (www.iitk.ac.in/erl) and IIT Kanpur’s Science and Technology Research Park (Technopark@iitk; http://www.technoparkiitk.com). He also founded the International Society for Energy Environment and Sustainability (www.isees.in) in 2014. He is also a member of the IIT Council (2022-25).

In honouring Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Delhi recognizes the outstanding contributions made by him to the field of Teaching and Research. Through his achievements, Dr. Agarwal has brought glory to the name of the Institute.

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