Distinguished Alumni Awards

Prof. Aarti Gupta

Prof. Aarti Gupta

Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of her outstanding achievements in Teaching and Research

Award Year: 2023 | Degree Year: 1985

Prof. Aarti Gupta is a B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) graduate from IIT Delhi. She obtained an M.S. in Computer Engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University. Earlier, she worked at NEC Laboratories America in Princeton. Aarti’s research revolves around formal methods and programming languages, focusing on logic-based techniques for analysing complex computer systems. 

Aarti’s research addresses how to check the correctness of software systems by using mathematical techniques that can prove rigorous guarantees about their safety, security, and reliability; and how to do this at scale for large industry-strength software. Her work has led to significant intellectual as well as practical impact. She has been at the forefront of advancing the logic-theoretic foundations of formal verification and their applications in several domains (software, hardware, networks), with her papers receiving several awards in leading conferences and journals. While at NEC Labs, she led a pioneering effort for software verification that was among the first worldwide industry efforts to verify large software projects.

 Aarti serves on the Steering Committee (2013 onwards) of Computer Aided Verification (CAV), the premier conference in formal verification. In 2015, she co-founded an annual mentoring workshop (VMW) that encourages graduate students, particularly women and students from underrepresented groups, to pursue research careers in verification. Aarti was recognised as an ACM Fellow (2017) for contributions to system analysis and verification techniques and their transfer to industrial practice. 

In honouring Prof. Aarti Gupta, IIT Delhi recognises the outstanding contributions made by her to the field of Teaching and Research. Through her achievements, Dr. Gupta has brought glory to the name of the Institute.

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