Amit Garg Memorial Entrepreneurship Cash Award

October 22, 2021

Award ID: CORPSW035

Donor Name
Mrs Madhu Garg

Eligibility Criterion
Entrepreneur Development Cell at IIT Delhi Entrepreneurship Summit and conducts business plan competition.Dean Student Affiars in consultation with MD (FITT) shall decide the winner.

Selection Criterion
Entrepreneurship Award

Amount and number
Rs. 25,000/-

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Amit Garg Memorial Entrepreneurship Cash Award CORP/SW035 2017TT10877 Amartya Bhargava 2020-21
Amit Garg Memorial Entrepreneurship Cash Award CORP/SW035 2017TT10877 Amartya Bhargava 2020-21
Amit Garg Memorial Entrepreneurship Cash Award CORP/SW035 2016CH10127 Divyansh Mathur 2019-20
ROOM NO. MZ-122, HAUZ KHAS,New Delhi, 110016,India
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