Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award

October 22, 2021

Award ID: CORPSW035

Donor Name
Mrs Madhu Garg

Eligibility Criterion
Students shall be nominated by both his/her classmates as well as hostel mates. Hostel nomination should be routed through the concerned Hostel warden and class nomination should be routed through the concerned Head of the Department / Centre

Selection Criterion
Ethical Leadership Award

Amount and number
Rs. 25,000/-

How to Apply
No Application Needed

Title CORP Entry No Student Name Academic Year
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2017CE10105 Harashit Singhal 2020-21
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2017CE10105 Harashit Singhal 2020-21
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2016EE10435 Aditya Abhishek 2019-20
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2015CH10133 Smarthveer Sidana 2018-19
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2013CS50277 Anagh Prasad 2017-18
Amit Garg Memorial Ethical Leadership Cash Award CORP/SW035 2012EE50563 Vaibhav Garg 2016-17
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