B-83 Merit Awards

Award ID: CORP/SS504

Donor’s Name: Batch of 1983

Commencement Year 2019-20

Eligibility Criteria

All undergraduate students of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year B.Tech/Dual degree of IIT Delhi.

Selection Criteria 

The student whose mean SGPA of continuous last two semesters(of the previous academic year) is equal to or greater than 9.0 points. The student must have earned atleast as many credits as recommended in the relevant semesters as per the applicable course of study. The student must have also successfully passed all core courses as recommended in the applicable courses of study till the relevant semesters. Gross family income of the student is equal to or less than Rs. 9 lakh per annum. No other financial aid is provided to the student in the current academic year by IIT Delhi or any other donor through IIT Delhi offices.

Amount and number

upto Rs. 40,000/-

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