Rishi and Anika Gupta Scholarship

Donor’s Name
Mr. Roopak Gupta

Eligibility Criteria

a) 3rd-year undergraduate female BTech/Dual degree program students.

b) The student should have a minimum CGPA of 5 in the 4th semester.

c) Preferably from Computer Science and Engineering department.

d) The parents combined annual income is between INR 5 to 15 lakhs, and such a student would normally be required to pay the full tuition fee.

Selection Criteria

a) Among the eligible students who apply for this scholarship, the student with the lowest family income will receive the scholarship.

b) Higher CGPA will be a tiebraker.

c) The scholarship will be continued until the student completes entire tenure at IIT Delhi.

Continuation Criteria and duration

The student will continue to receive the scholarship for next one (BTech) or two years (Dual degree). The scholarship has a cgpa of less than five or if she becomes ineligible on account of an increase the family income.

Scholarship Amount and number

equal to half the tuition fee

How to Apply
No Application Needed

ROOM NO. MZ-122, HAUZ KHAS,New Delhi, 110016,India
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