Anoop Garg Scholarship



Donor’s Name

Mr. Anoop Garg

Eligibility Criteria

For 3rd year undergraduate students in the Textile Engineering BTech degree program at IIT Delhi.

a) Enrolled into the Textile Engineering BTech program at IIT Delhi.

b)The Parents' combined annual income should be between INR 5 to 10 Lakhs, and student normally must pay the complete (100%) tuition fees.

c) The student is not a beneficiary of any other scholarship or tuition fee waiver. d) Students should not be beneficiaries of the Vidhya Laxmi Loan.

Selection Criteria

The Student with the lowest income will be awarded the scholarship. b) Tie-breaker would be income.

Continuation Criteria and duration

Once selected, the student will continue to receive the scholarship for two years. However, the scholarship shall be terminated at the end of an academic year if:

a) The student has a CGPA of less than six or if he/she becomes ineligible on account of an increase in family income.

Scholarship Amount and number

Rs. 1 lakh to one student

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