Prof. Kasturi Lal Chopra Best Mtech Thesis Award

CORP Code : CORP/SS555

Donor Name

Prof. Vamsi Krishna, Prof. Sujeet Chaudhary & Prof. Trilok Singh

Eligibiltiy criterion

To recognize MTech students of IIT Delhi whose experimental Masters' thesis is in the areas of Thin Films/ Nano-materials/ Quantum Materials/ Thin Film Solar Cells/ Thin film devices & applications, the thesis work preferably having potential to serve society at large, that is adjudged to be best in that particular year as per scope of the award.

Two awards one to each of the following Mtech programs-
1. Solid State Materials(PHM), Department of Physics
2. Energy and Environment Technologies and Management, Department of Energy Science and Engineering.

Selection criterion :

a) The respective Mtech project Part-II Evaluation Committees of the Department of Physics and Department of Energy Science & Engineering will select the best MTech thesis meeting the scope and areas of the award after evaluation of the final semester Project thesis work. The selection criteria shall be fundamental novelty and/ or potential application of the thesis work for the benefit of the Society at large in the areas of THIN Films/ Nano materials/ Quantum Materials/ Thin Film Solar Cells/ Thin Film Devices & Applications.

b) Student's project work should have been done in India.

c) The Project thesis work should be of Experimental in nature.

Award Amount and number :

Rs. 30,000/- and a citation for each

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